Tuesday 17 September 2013

My year so far

So I dunno if anyone actually ever reads my blog but I anyways decided to make a post. So here is what my year so far has consisted of:

I went on a boat ride
 An uninhabited island. We think....
 Dad taking a picture
 Of Abby :)
 Some barges
 Dad and Abby chilling on the boat
Then, we went to Florida
 On an airplane
 I was in Washington DC!!
 John waiting for me so we could go walking
 Me walking
 Palm treess
 Dad and Abby in vacay mode
 Love was in the air.....
 Love for God of course!!!
 And "U + God = :)"
 Daytona Speedway
 Daytona Beach
 First time seeing the Atlantic
 The Atlantic Ocean
My shoes with Florida white sand on them
 The proof I was there
 Florida 2013
 Chilling out watching old people play golf
 Got married.... lol jk. Found this ring in Tiff's purse I had borrowed
 Welcome to Disneyworld
 Cinderella's Palace
 John and Tigger
 Tigger and Me
 Me and Pooh
 Abby in front of the palace
 For some reason Dad was trying to make me as tall as the palace.....
 The palace at night
 The epical vehicle John and I made
 John in an old fashioned telephone booth
 John's chinese characters
 My chinese characters
Ya for some reason Dad let John buy this hat....
 I went around and got stamps from every country as well as my name in all the languages
 The golf course again......
 The picture of the Sherpa for someone we wanted to marry off... teehee :)
 My favourite ride
 Lounging by the pool
 The pool
 I loved this ride so much!!!!
 This picture was posed....
 Our first time riding this one
 Sitting with our feet in the hot tub
 Having second thoughts about riding the Tower of Terror
 It was kinda scary but I would do it again
 We figured out where the cameras were and so we posed.... lol Abby didn't know Dad did this till we saw the picture at the end... lol
 Abby's iPhone got ran over..... Ouch!!!!!!
 John trying to be all cool......
 My valentines day present. A Horton :)
 John and I with Burger King crowns :)
 I apparently thought my hair looked cute that month....
 And again
 Weirdo...... lol
 Vancouver trip with my class for grad pics
This month: I turned 18 and went to Uganda and Europe
 Ms Leonard gave me this ADORABLE key cover thing :)
 My epic hat we bought for Africa
 Meghan and I went for a Starbucks date the day after my birthday (Well actually it was a distraction but I'll tell about that in a minute) and I told the dude barista guy that it was my birthday and when I got my drink, this was what was on the hot sleeve :)

Ok so heres the story: The day after my birthday was a Sunday. Ranisha invited me over for lunch. That was a lot of fun. Then when I was over there, Meghan texts me and asks if I wanna go to the states with her to get gas (which we did a lot). I asked Abby and she was cool with it. So I was like well this was the only chance that they would have to throw me a party and she is letting me go out so I guess I don't get a party this year. I was kinda disappointed.... But anyways I told Meghan that ya that would be fine and she said she had a project due that week so she couldn't stay out late so we were just gonna get gas and then she would take me home or whatever. I was like oh I'll just get you to take me to Tim Hortons where Abby usually is. And she was totally cool with that. So we went and got gas and then we were sitting in the border line up and I realized that I didn't know what time I was supposed to be at the school in the morning (we were going to Cypress for the day), so I called Ranisha. She didn't pick up her phone so I called Anthony. He did pick up his phone and answered my question and then we hung up and I didn't suspect a thing! Apparently though, he was sitting in my living room with everyone when his phone started ringing. He noticed it was me and yelled at everyone to shut up. So he was in a completely silent room. Anyways, we crossed the border and all was good and then I called Abby to see if they were at Timmys or where they were. She told me that Dad had wanted to have the Peris' over so she went home to "be a good housewife". So I went home. I would like to say it was a surprise when I walked in but that isn't true. Everyone had parked on the street and I recognized people's cars so I figured it out when we turned the corner onto our road. I wanted a surprise birthday party, I thought I wasn't getting a party at all but I got a surprise one after all :)
 Sharon Benjamin and Esther
 Jeremy's wonderful card.......... lol
 Josh being super social.... lol
 My face after Levi decided to feed me my birthday cake.
 Some of my favourite people
 More of my favourite people.
 The next day at the lodge at Cypress. Spending the last few days with my bestie before leaving for a month
John showing off his piano skills...... lol

My overseas trip was AWESOME!!!!! I am working on a blog that documents it and I will post the link to that when it is completed.

 Jeremy came and picked Dad and I up from the airport. Talk about an awkward ride home from Seattle......
 Nicole brought me balloons :)
 Traveling was fun but it produced a LOT of laundry!!!
 I go away for 3 weeks and come home to a parking ticket? Nice welcome home gift.....
 After being away for so long and missing them so terribly much, I went to Kortney's to spend the day with her and Ranisha
 Good times
 She actually did have a coffee, she had just already finished it. lol
 Nicole wanted me to make a cake for her birthday. So I scoured the internet and found this and I thought it was really cool
 So I made it :)
 A few nights later we went and had a bonfire at Semiahmoo. First s'more of the year
 Our fire
 Back at Kortney's
 I went up and helped at the camp for the RYLA group
 It was Lily's birthday
 I fell asleep on the grass and Ranisha was tickling my face with a piece of grass
 My kinda sorta sunburn
 We were having a food fight of sorts..... So I threw a lemon meringue tart at Ranisha.... :D
 I got a manicure for the first time
 We went and bought a badminton net. Abby set it up and Jeremy texted.... lol
 I went to Grande Prairie for their grad
 We went and biked in Stanley Park.
 John went to the camp to help and then Abby and I went and picked him up and spent the day out there.
 My souvenirs from Dad's travels. The plate thing is from Moscow and the shoes are of course from Holland
 My epical new shoes :)
 It was Sports Day at school and Gwenyth came to cheer on her sister
 The next day, I went and surprised Kortney for her birthday
 We set up her pool and went swimming
 And then we layed on the hammock and talked :)
Later that month, Ms Weber took our chemistry class to Cresent beach for a field trip :)
 Nicole graduated with honors
 I climbed up onto the roof to wash windows and this is how far I could see...
 I got an AMAZING grade on my Chemistry final, bumping my overall mark up to an A... Ya I was pretty happy!!!!
 John picked me a rose :)
 I went out for cupcakes with Annahope, Hopey, Sis Sammie, and Michelle.
I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will post more pictures of commencement and church grad and write about them on another post.
 Candice triple barreled my hair for commencement.
Then, after I graduated and we had a party and everyone went home, I had to go decorate the gym for church grad. I got home at 3 and then I had to have a shower so that Candice could do.......
 This to me the next day. At 8 AM. And I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards cuz my head was twice the size it was before :(
 But it turned out BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!!
 Sethy watching me get my hair done
 My amazing wrist corsage my amazing friend Rebecca Peris made me :) 
Then, we went to Oregon for a week with Stephen and Lisa and the boys. This was the view from my bed :)

 Sethy hiding from me
 Judah loving the hot tub
 Ben not too sure about it.....
 Sitting on the beach watching the ocean
 With Lisa
 Then a wave came up. Those footprints were where my feet had been in the previous picture.....
 Sethy doing...... not sure what
 Oregon Coast Aquarium
Ben touching a starfish
 Sethy was not impressed that he was getting so dirty... lol
Yup we were there :)
 I went in the waves and got completely soaked :) So much fun!!!!!
 Sethy on the way home
 He legit fell asleep like this
 Went to White Rock with Hopey and Tiffany
 Went to A&W with Meghan
 Phil and Melissa's wedding
 The beautiful bride and I
 Layna and I got matching shirts. CUUUUUUUTE!!!!! lol
 Then, I had a TON of chores to do...... But i got them all done anyways :)
 I made a DELICIOUS Oreo cheesecake
 And Bro Milko bought us a orchid
 Went to the camp to serve a Chinese group
 It was exhausting.....
 But I hung out with David the next day and he taught me how to play baseball. "Just pretend like you are Babe Ruth!"
 Jessica and Tim's wedding
The Happy couple
 Then, we went to Grande Prairie
 Saw a 2-year-old grizzly bear by Grande Cache
 Drove past our old house :(
 LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't she a doll?????????????
 Sethy said he was talking to Jeremy and telling him that Auntie Abby was here so he can't see her!!
 Played Monopoly Deal with Kelsey and Leandra
 A beautiful rainbow at church
 How you cool down with no swimming pool.... Just make your own!
 Giant frog outside Lisa's house
 See! I touched it!
 We went to Edmonton :)
 I babysat my long lost loves during the ministers breakfast
 Back in Grande Prairie, we went where Sethy and I went and picked saskatoon berries
Sethy and I had a planking contest. He was pretty pro at it!!
Back home in time for camp. We got home on the Friday and then I had to be at the camp to help on Sunday afternoon. Lots of laundry between the 4 of us and of course I got pushed to the end of line.
Had a great time at camp. I helped with the triplets during the day at junior camp and then hung out with Sethy in the evenings. And then senior camp came and it was AMAZING!!!!!!
On the Sunday night after camp, my BFFs came to spend the night :) I took them to the ocean for the first time in their lives :)
I hung out with Naomi Hildebrandt. I met her when I was like 8ish I think and then they came to camp this year and we caught up :) Good times
Monday after camp, I went for a walk at Cresent Beach with the Hildebrandts and the Rosales'.
All of us kiddos :) There is: Caleb Hildebrandt, Samuel Hildebrandt, Oren Hildebrandt, Darleen Hildebrandt, Joseph Hildebrandt, Bethany Thomas, Jazmin Rosales, Naomi Hildebrandt, Me, Sabrina Rosales, and Caitlyn Thomas.
 Later on that week, I went to the Northwest Washington Fair with Hannah Funke. We got this cool button thing :) And I witnessed there at the booth. Which was pretty cool.
 The next week, I went for coffee with Meghan. I got a spanish latte. It was actually really gross......... But I had a good time........ And it looked cool......
 The famous steam powered clock in Downtown Vancouver
 Then we went back to Meghan's where her mom read me "I'll Love You Forever" by Robert Munch
 That weekend, I went to help at the camp. One morning, when I woke up, this was what was outside. It's actually kinda gross cuz they poop all over the yard........
 Jessica Andes came to help out :)
 Beautiful Mt Baker.
 Beck and I
 The lovely CC and myself :)
 The only dog in the whole world that I actually like.......

And that folks, is my year so far :) 

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